Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Power Metal.

So recently I've been mentoring a friend of mine about the epic ways of Power Metal. I must say, he's a quick learner and is doing quite well. I'm very proud of him. Someday he'll be as epic as me. :D

All this teaching has rekindled my love of Power Metal.
I downloaded the new Derdian album, along with 3 albums from Rhapsody of Fire, 2 albums from Kamelot, and 1 album from Revolution Renaissance. All are incredibly amazing bands!
I don't know why I didn't listen to them sooner.
I love Rhapsody of Fire's and Kamelot's use of violins. I'm an absolute sucker for violins.
I love everything about these bands. From their guitar harmonies, to the melodic keys, and to the enchanting choirs. Tis what Power Metal is all about, baby!
Mmm. Love love love it.
Those Germans and Italians know how to make goooooooooooood Power Metal!
And Kamelot is pretty damn good for an American band, even though their vocalist is Norwegian and their keyboardist is German. :P

Another thing I've happened to notice with PM, like, they all seemed to be connected.
Ya know...vocalist or other musicians being in other bands, or doing guest vocals or guest whatever for other PM bands. A good example of this would be with Avantasia, I can't be arsed to list all the guests Tobias has used for his Avantasia band, also, he himself has been a guest vocalist. They're aaaaaaaaalllll connected, like one big, happy, powerful, epic family.

Here's an example of Kamelot's guest musicians.

Guest musicians
Miro − studio keyboards (1999-2007)
Günter Werno − keyboards (on The Expedition)
Luca Turilli − solo guitar on "Descent of the Archangel" (Epica)
Simone Simons − guest vocals and video appearance on "The Haunting" (The Black Halo), guest vocals on "Blücher" and "Season's End" (Ghost Opera)
Shagrath − As Mephisto: vocals, video appearance on "March of Mephisto" (The Black Halo); vocals on "Memento Mori" (The Black Halo)
Snowy Shaw − As Mephisto: vocals on "March of Mephisto" (One Cold Winter's Night)
Jens Johansson − keyboard solos on "March of Mephisto" and "When the Lights are Down" (The Black Halo)
Mari Youngblood − As Helena: vocals, appearance on (Epica), "Abandoned" and "Memento Mori" (The Black Halo), video appearance in "The Haunting" (The Black Halo) and various tracks of the One Cold Winter's Night concert of 2006.
Elisabeth Kjærnes − video appearance on "March of Mephisto" (The Black Halo and One Cold Winter's Night) and "The Haunting" (The Black Halo), vocals in "Nights of Arabia" (The Fourth Legacy and One Cold Winter's Night)
Matt Knowles (Royal Anguish) − As Mephisto when playing in Florida
Sascha Paeth − guest appearance on One Cold Winter's Night as additional guitarist on "Moonlight", and Ghost Opera
Amanda Somerville − guest vocalist for "Mourning Star", "Love You to Death" and "Ghost Opera"
Anne-Catrin Marzke - live female and backing vocals
Sebastian Bilodeau - Saxophone on "March of Mephisto"
Sean Tibbetts - live bass during the 2006-2009 tours
Dirk Bruinenberg − guest drummer on "The Silent Goddess" and "Alexandria" (The Fourth Legacy)

I should make a chart of all the connections in the world of Power Metal. Hmmmmm. Sounds interesting. Wikipedia, here I come!

P.S. If you're wondering who that lovely person is in that picture up there, that, my friends, is Jens Ola Johansson. Current keyboardist for Stratovarius.
I love him. He's a PHENOMENAL keyboardist/pianist. In my opinion, of the best musicians ever. EVER!!

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