Wednesday, May 12, 2010


As stated in my previous post below, I'm a sucker for violins.
They're my most favourite and beloved musical instrument. I even bought my own violin a few months ago and have been slowly learning. But I don't think I'll get very far if I just teach myself. This isn't like a guitar, in order to properly learn how to play the violin, I'll need a teacher!

Anyways. I'll automatically love any band that uses violins. Which is why I'm so fond of Folk Metal, with their heavy usage of fiddles, along with some Power Metal bands.
I've always admired a lot of violinists, they make it look so...incredibly amazing. I always find myself in awe whenever I see TSO live, like last year, the violinists had so much energy and emotion when playing. It was truly orgasmic.

Not much else I can say about violins.
I just love them oh soooooooooooooo much.

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